
My American Flyer Photo / Video Library

View the classic toy trains and accessories developed by A. C. Gilbert Co. These train models were in "S-Gauge" and ran on two rail track, with smoke, choo-choo, rail sounds, and much more "realistic appearance".

Scale in Feet, S Scale is 1:64
A model train's scale (1:64) is the relationship between its size (ratio between the real world and the model train) Gauge is the distance between a track's rails. In model railroading, beginners sometimes interchange the term scale and gauge. Most serious modelers are careful to use the terms correctly.

#800 Union Pacific 4-8-4 Northern w/  RailSounds 2006 

#336 Union Pacific 4-8-4 Northern 53-56 large motor

#800 Union Pacific 4-8-4 Northern w/  RailSounds 2006 

#800 Union Pacific 4-8-4 Northern w/  RailSounds 2006 

Double-heading  two #800 Union Pacific 4-8-4's Northern

(front-back) #326 4-6-4, #322 4-6-4, #336 4-8-4, #800 4-8-4

#2421 American Models Santa Fe Switcher, # 8100 New York Central

#2421 American Models Santa Fe Switcher 

Can you find the "real" rock? "Sedona Red"

Can you find the Eagle on the nest? 

Close up of the Eagle on the nest

Coming out of the in-side turn. Yes, that's "Sedona Red" rock

Scratch-Built American Flyer Electric Turntable

Scratch-Built American Flyer Electric Turntable

Scratch-Built American Flyer Electric Turntable